
How to increase Employee Productivity in the Service Industry: Leave the Past Behind and Move into the Future!
February 21st, 2014

In almost every industry, except for the service industries, when it comes down to efficiency companies are looking to produce more products/solutions in less time with fewer employees and in turn increase profits. In the service industries this is unrealistic and will ultimately provide a lower level of service and affect the customer experience. For…

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Plagued by over- and/or under- staffing issues?
February 20th, 2014

Learn how to solve this problem in under 350 words. If your answer to this question is yes, then this article is for you. Over- and under- staffing can both significantly affect your bottom line, whether you realize it or not. If you are over-staffed, you are carrying a high labor cost for that shift,…

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Little Changes that will make a BIG Difference with Customer Service
February 17th, 2014

In the food service, bar and nightclub industries you are selling more than just food and drinks to your patrons. While quality food and drinks are important, there are probably many other similar restaurants, bars or nightclubs in your area that offer similar selections. What you are truly selling is a solution to a problem…

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Why should you pick Online Employee Scheduling Software? Part 3: Benefits for Staff
February 14th, 2014

In this third piece to our series, we will review the benefits offered to your employees by following our newest client Tom, whose company just began using What Time Do I staff scheduling. His story matches the story of countless employees whose companies are now using our software. In the past, there had been…

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Why should you pick Online Employee Scheduling Software? Part 2: Benefits for Management
February 12th, 2014

In this edition of the three-part series, we will review the features and benefits for managers and schedulers. There are many different features that are only available through online scheduling software, which will help save you and your employees countless hours. What Time Do I has taken these benefits and expanded upon them with…

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What Time Do I Work
We really find a lot of the features for to be incredibly useful - the ability to track days off, to input employee's availability and schedule requests.