4 Ways To Be A Better Boss
18 Jun, 2013 | Tags: Employee Schedule, Employee schedule calendar, Employee Scheduling, Employee Scheduling Software, Employees Schedules, job schedule, Job Scheduling Software, Medical Scheduling, Medical Scheduling Software, online employee scheduling software, Online Restaurant Scheduling Software, online schedule, Online Scheduler, Online Scheduling, Online Scheduling Software, restaurant schedules, Retail Scheduling, Schedule, Scheduling, Scheduling Software, Shift Scheduling, Staff Scheduling, Staff Scheduling Software, Web Scheduling Software, What Time do I Work, Whattimedoiwork.com, Work Scheduler, Work Scheduling, Workforce Scheduling, workscheduling
Utilizing Employee Scheduling Software Allows You to be a Better Boss!
Did you know woes in the workplace are costing employers $360 billion per year? In a 2012 study, positive business expert Michelle McQuaid reported that more than half of the employees polled thought they would be more successful in their careers if they got along better with their bosses. Thirty-one percent of those polled said they feel uninspired and unappreciated by their bosses, and almost 20 percent said their bosses have little-to-no integrity. This lack of morale is taking a toll on both employees and their bosses, with productivity and the bottom line taking a big hit.
Employee scheduling software can keep bosses from becoming another statistic. Here’s how:
1. Encourage effective communication.
Employee scheduling software allows managers to input their employees’ requests and restrictions – such as their weekly availabilities, vacation days, etc. In order to enter that information into the system, though, employees have to communicate those needs to their bosses.
This practice not only encourages employees to keep in constant communication, which will help to avoid misunderstandings, but also encourages them to take responsibility and initiative in order to get their preferences, rather than acting passive aggressively.
In settings that don’t use scheduling software, employees may be too shy or afraid to confront their boss about the hours that he or she has given them. But when software is used for the schedule, employees can simply update their information in the system and avoid those uncomfortable situations.
2. Eliminate feelings of favoritism or nepotism.
Bosses who lack integrity and have unfair practices, like playing favorites, don’t have much respect from their employees. And workers are less likely to perform tasks if they don’t respect the person they are performing them for. Bosses who engage in questionable practices are also sending a message to their employees that it is okay for them to do the same.
Employees will have a hard time placing blame on bosses who use employee scheduling software, since every employee now has an equal opportunity to input their preferences into the system, despite how much interaction time they have with their boss. Ultimately this will result in employees that won’t be able to hold grudges or have disdain for their boss anymore, for a schedule they deem unfair or unfavorable.
3. Keep organized, and in turn, keep your employees organized.
Workplaces are filled with employees who lack direction because disorganized leaders don’t deliver and manage plans and strategies to guide their teams.
Disorganized leaders breed disorganized workers. Without management plans, well-planned schedules and strategies, workplaces can become a wreck. Posting a timely, orderly schedule each week created by employee scheduling software encourages employees to also be timely and orderly.
Not to mention, time that bosses once spent creating the schedule can be concentrated on making other areas of their business as organized as the schedules.
4. Boost their morale.
After leaving all the heavy lifting of the scheduling process to the software, bosses will have more time to be with their employees. Spending more time together allows bosses to get to know their employees on a personal level and vice versa. From a personal standpoint, showing your employees you care about them makes them more likely to feel appreciated – and in turn, motivated. From a business standpoint, the more you know about your employees, the more familiar you will be with their strengths and weaknesses.
Let’s face it – you can’t make everyone happy. But with employee scheduling software, you can come a lot closer.